
Dr. K V Abhinav

Home Dr. K V Abhinav

Dr. K V Abhinav

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MBBS, DCH, DNB (Paediatrics), MRCPCH
Dr K V Abhinav is a known paediatrician specialising in critical care. After completing his MBBS from Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad; he continued his education and obtained a Diploma in Child Health (DCH) from Andhra Medical College, Vishakhapatnam. Currently, he is pursuing a Post- Doctoral Fellowship in Paediatric Cardiac Critical Care (PDCC) from All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Raipur.
Dr Abhinav has vast experience and knowledge in Paediatric critical care which we believe to be
helpful for the students with their preparation for the MRCPCH exams. He also has done a research project titled “Clinical, Epidemiological, Etiological Profile and Risk Factors Associated with Neonatal Candida Infections & Acute Outcome of Neonatal Candida Infections.”
Dr Abhinav has worked with various hospitals. Andhra Medical College, King George Hospital, Kanchi Kamakoti Childs Trust Hospital, Sri Ramachandra Institute Of Higher Education & Research, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Secunderabad, Ankura Children’s Hospital and Amrita Institute Of Medical Sciences are a few hospitals where he has worked over the years.

Research Project and Publications
■Completed a research project on “Clinical, Epidemiological, And Etiological Profile and Risk Factors Associated with Neonatal Candida Infections and Acute Outcomes of Neonatal Candida Infections.”
■ Published an original article in an indexed journal on “Endovascular Management of Paediatric
Neurovascular Malformations: A Single-Centre Experience from South India.”

Presentations and Achievements at State & National Conferences

■ Poster presentation of “Rare Case of Neonatal Pyothorax” at state Paediatric Conference held at Hyderabad in 2014.
■ Awarded best original paper presentation on “Spectrum & Outcomes of Neonatal Candida
Infections” in national conference of paediatric infectious diseases held at Mysore 2017.
■Secured 3rd position in intercity paediatric rheumatology quiz held at Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education & Research in the year 2017.
Secured 2nd prize in Talent Young Scholar Award 2017 at state level zonal round held at Bangalore. Poster presentation of “Endovascular Management of Paediatric Neurovascular Malformations” at International Paediatric Critical Care Conference 2018.
Speaker at a virtual state IAP (Indian Academy of Paediatric) meet in Jan 2022. Presentation given on the topic “BACHS PROTOCOL FOR EXTUBATION.”
Faculty for Ventilation Workshop held at AllMS Raipur for General Paediatricians.

Teaching Experience
■Bed side ward clinical teaching for undergraduate students at Andhra Medical College between
■Conducted monthly BLS (Basic Life Support) course for Interns at Sri Ramachandra Institute of
Higher Education & Research.
■Teaching Faculty for BLS & PALS at OPTIMUS national conference for MBBS students held at Sri
Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education & Research.
■Monthly intensive care teaching for post graduate students at Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education & Research.
■Faculty for ventilation workshop held at Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education & Research in March 2019.
■Involved in OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) training for DNB post graduates at
Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences.
Classes for paediatric intensive care fellows at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences.


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