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Are you planning to appear for the MRCPCH AKP exam in May 2025? Here is an important update for you. The booking window for the AKP exam, which is scheduled to take place in May 2025, will soon be opened by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health. Candidates must be ready to act fast, as the booking window remains open for only seven days for test centres and five days for online invigilation.
As per the official information, the exam booking window will be opened on March 10, 2025 and the exam is scheduled to take place on May 21, 2025. Here we will give you a complete list of important dates of the upcoming MRCPCH AKP exam and a quick overview of the exam.
MRCPCH AKP May 2025: Important dates
- Exam date: Wednesday, 21 May 2025
- Applications open: 10 March 2025
Application opening schedule:
- 10 March: Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, KSA, UAE, UK, Remote Invigilation Overseas, Remote Invigilation UK
- 11 March: India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
- 12 March: Hong Kong (test centre), Malaysia, Singapore, Trinidad
Application closing dates:
- Remote invigilation: 14 March
- Test centres: 17 March
Candidates must remember that the application window will open at 9:30 AM (UK time) and close at 4:00 PM (UK time) on the mentioned dates.
Candidates have two options for completing the MRCPCH AKP exam: at a test centre or online invigilation. If you prefer online invigilation, you can complete the exam in your own home or another private location using a computer with reliable internet connection. However, to apply for remote invigilation, you will need to provide evidence that you meet one of the following criteria.
- No test centre in the country of residence during the time of the exam
- Residence more than 200 miles from a test centre
- Approved reasonable adjustment as sitting the exam at a test centre would be detrimental to your health
MRCPCH AKP May 2025 exam: A quick overview
The exam consists of two papers that can be taken on the same day. The questions focus on identifying clinical problems, considering possible diagnoses, selecting appropriate tests and interpreting results. In addition, since paediatric care involves families, the exam tests your knowledge of professional and legal responsibilities.
- Exam mode: Computer-based
- Number of papers: Two
- Number of questions: 120 Single Best Answer (SBA) questions (60 in each paper)
- Exam duration: 2.5 hours per paper
We hope this information was helpful for you. If you need any help in the exam booking process or support in exam preparation, feel free to contact the StudyMRCPCH team today. We offer expert-led courses that hold a proven track record of 91%. Connect with us for more details about our programs.
Authored By: Sarath
By : Admin